) Excel for Mac Prior to 2010 RSI’s Shooting Lab Ballistics Software for Hunters & Shooters. The SaveData function stores a collection for later use under a name.
The freely-downloadable app includes hundreds of pages of reloading information, bullet guides, tips and techniques, and limited free data on recent offerings like the 6 mm Creedmoor, 6. Contrary to popular belief, reloading won’t save you money. Copy My Data is an app that lets you transfer all your information from one Android smartphone to another. When you enter you chrono data it automatically calculates if it meets minor or major, figured out standard dev, average velocity. The app downloads reloading data from website. This meant taking all the free reloading manuals from various companies, along with all the data on their websites and building a database. With Lapua Ballistics, you can calculate trajectories, range, bullet drop, turret.